Gestión Documental CAE

Document Management CAE


CAE documentation

We manage all the documentation for you

Enjoy the peace of mind of having your fully automated CAE document management platform. You will have all the qualified and reviewed documentation in less than 24 hours and also without your company having to spend a minute. We take care of everything and always according to the criteria that have been established.

We have a team of Technicians in Occupational Risk Prevention, with extensive experience in both Occupational Risk Prevention and in the management of the Business Activities Coordination. Our collaboration is comprehensive, and can range from participation in the definition of the Coordination protocol, to the review and validation of documentation. We will be your trusted partner.


access control

Guarantees access only by authorized personnel


Access linked to the documentary situation

You can limit the access by dates or times, even to certain areas

Enables the forced entry by sending SMS codes

It allows obtaining historical access information

Different peripherals can be integrated:

  • Scanner for DNI / NIE / Passports
  • Digital signature capture
  • Radio frequency card printer (RFID credentials)
  • Adhesive Label Printer (Disposable Credentials)
  • QR code reader
  • Associate with access lathes driven by RFID cards


Self-registration kiosk without reception staff


Our coordination software

The solution to the problems of document management in the matter of Prevention of Labor Risks

Customer service

For your users and for your contracts, without delays or long waits, and without additional costs ...

Because we understand customer service as a fundamental part of our company, we have a team of professionals with a great service orientation who support, if necessary, both incumbent companies and contractors via telephone and / or e-mail.

A close human team, decisive and expert, that will solve your doubts in an agile and efficient way and will help you and guide you in the global management of the tool.

Feel supported at all times.

The attention can be given in Spanish, Catalan and English

Automation of 100% of documentary requirements

With a single click ...

With just one click, you can customize the documentation requested and provided to each company.

The system contemplates the possibility of creating documentary profiles in which, on the one hand, it is informed of the documentation that is going to be required of the companies and their workers, and on the other, the informative documents that we wish to make available to them are indicated. Subsequently, at the time of providing the access codes to the platform to the different contractors, they are assigned the documentary profile according to their activity.

There is also the possibility of automating the documentary requirements of workers individually.



A great tool without the need for investment ...

Among many other advantages, the “SaaS” (Software as a Service) technology offers the following

  • It does not require any investment: neither in software nor in hardware.
  • Free access from any computer with an Internet connection, no matter the place or time (24/7).
  • Permanent update of the application.
  • Access to the application from mobile devices (“smartphones” and “tablets”)
  • Security of the information.
  • Suppression of maintenance costs and elimination of other hidden costs.

Security and availability

Our service agreement (SLA) 99.99% ...

Our server infrastructure, all of them highly available and located in different Datacenter, together with the Databases model, guarantees the redundancy of data and files and allows us to offer a 99.99% availability level, that is, practically a service uninterrupted day after day.

In addition to complying with current regulations on data protection, we have the ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 27001: 2013 certifications, relating to the management of the quality of services and the assurance, confidentiality and integration of information, as well as as of the systems that process it.

Simple interfaces and friendly environments

Thinking about the user ...

Because we are aware that not all users have great knowledge of computer science, and why we understand that there is no effectiveness without usability, we have designed an application that emphasizes its simplicity of use:

  • Upload of files without size limitation.
  • Friendly and intuitive environments.
  • Scarce navigation.
  • Integrated help menus.
  • Online assistance.
  • And much more …

Integral management of the P.R.L.

Take advantage of all the synergies offered by a comprehensive solution to manage Occupational Risk Prevention ...

All the management of Occupational Risk Prevention in a single tool:

From the Coordination of Business Activities to the control of the training provided to our employees, or the monitoring of the PPE delivered …

From the preparation and sending of minutes of Coordination meetings, to the registry of incidents detected in security inspections, with indication of corrective actions, responsible for execution, deadlines …

From the preparation of Risk Assessments, to the investigation of accidents and telematic sending of the corresponding communications …

From the obtaining of lists of the external personnel in our facilities, to the planning of the preventive activity, or of formative actions.

Modular and scalable architecture

Configure the tool according to your needs and grow in it without limits and at the pace you want ...

The modular architecture of our software will allow you to configure the tool according to your needs, with the advantage that you can manage all the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Coordination of Business Activities from a single application; You decide what and when. The different modules available are optional, so you will only pay for those you use.

A scalable tool to wherever you want. Through it you can manage from a company with a single work center, to a group of companies with hundreds of work centers and thousands of external employees, set up as a group of companies and obtain a series of advantageous management features.

Interoperability between platforms with

Upload a document and it will be distributed for the rest of the platforms you need ...

It allows the automatic exchange of documents between the associated platforms. Saves time with interconnection, which simplifies and standardizes CAE to both clients and contractors.


They already trust us …

"In SG RED I have dedicated all the time that I have needed to learn to use the application, and I have always found it for a revision of the platform, even at untimely hours"

Carmen Fernández, Business Manager

"We all know the movement of contracts that the stops involve, we have the support of SG RED and they have always answered us."

Carles Giralt, Director de RRHH

"Whenever I have needed any help or clarification, I have found an answer, really, your customer service works."

Alex Palomo, Healt and Safety Manager

"The tool of SG RED has provided us with ease and agility in the process of controlling the documentation and greater control both of our own and of the subcontracted companies, two very important points for us."

David Clarà, Administration Department

"The SGRED tool allows us to internally manage the training of our employees in an agile way, to know the status of compliance with the requirements requested of our contractors and to have control of the companies that access our work centers"

Angel Madrid, OHS Management System Manager

"SG Red is an easy-to-use and intuitive way to use it, and it is useful for the interchange of information and now the service of documentary information." Això fa continued to practice and work.

Carme Galimany, Head of the Prevention and Internal Regime Service of the Department of Culture

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C. Balmes, 8, 4º-4º, (Edificio Balmes).  
08291 Ripollet (Barcelona)
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© SG RED, 2024

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